These are the two cartoons, the first published September 15th, 2001, the second September 17th.
(click these to see larger versions.)
I spent quite a while sending out letters to explain that daily cartoons for my syndicate were composed and submitted four weeks prior to publication (that's the odd part – a silly little gag, by dint of coincidence, turns into a big, tasteless jape). A lot of readers did not want to believe me, and called me a liar. As I say, a horror had taken place; and even my explanation of the lead time for publishing cartoons did not mollify everybody. They just needed to be angry.
When I look at these cartoons now, I'm amazed. I remember hastily reviewing all my other submissions, as yet to appear over the next four weeks before my lead time caught up with 9/11. I hoped I wouldn't be stepping heavily into the tragedy anymore. I've never asked around, but I wonder how many other cartoonists found themselves in the same boat.